The Temple of Torch and Key is a liminal space of inside Ritual. The altar is located to the rear of our shop, and is available for moments of contemplation and communion during business hours. Our Altar, as well as shop space, is regularly cleansed and consecrated for sacred use. We also practice a pantheistic offering ritual weekly to any and all spirits that may attend the space.
We host community gatherings of knowledge sharing and support once a month, with dates available here.
Our ministry is one of knowledge, practice, and respect, with the intent to facilitate and foster spiritual journeys outside of traditional dogmatic hierarchies.
While Hekate is our chosen Patroness, she is not the sole focus of temple devotional rites. Congregants are welcome to evoke/invoke their personal deities, if any, as they see fit.
Below, please see our mission statement and declaration of faith.
Please note, our Temple Space and Ministry are in the early processes.
The statements below may evolve as we journey along this new path.
​​Mission Statement
At The Temple of Torch and Key, we stand as a sanctuary for seekers, practitioners, and the curious alike—illuminating the paths of wisdom, magick, and transformation under the watchful gaze of Hekate, our patron and guide.
We are a non-denominational pagan and occult temple devoted to community, education, and personal evolution. Here, we honor the sacred right of every individual to walk their own path while fostering an inclusive and supportive space where knowledge is shared, judgment is left behind, and the flame of personal and collective empowerment is kindled.
Through study, community, and spiritual exploration, we offer the keys to deeper understanding, in both praxis and gnosis alike - unlocking mysteries, refining our craft, and strengthening our connection to the unseen. We serve as torchbearers to one another, guiding and being guided, always walking the liminal spaces between the known and the unknown.
In devotion to Hekate, She who walks the crossroads, holds the keys, and lights the way, we commit ourselves to the pursuit of wisdom, the deepening of our magick, and the unbreakable bonds of our sacred community.
May the path be open, the torch be lit, and the key be in hand.
Statement of Beliefs / Declaration of Faith
We walk the path of wisdom.
We believe that knowledge is a sacred flame, and all who seek it in sincerity are welcome. We honor both ancient teachings and modern insights, embracing a lifelong journey of learning.
We stand at the crossroads.
We acknowledge the liminal, the unseen, and the mysteries beyond the veil. We honor Hekate as the Guardian of the Thresholds, the Keeper of the Keys, and the Torchbearer of all who seek truth beyond truth.
We practice magick with purpose and integrity.
Magick is a sacred art, a profound responsibility, and a deeply personal act of devotion. We believe in the power of will, the strength of intention, and the necessity of self awareness in all workings.
We honor the many paths.
We welcome all traditions, lineages, and personal spiritual expressions with respect and reverence. No seeker is turned away for their beliefs, background, or chosen path.
We cultivate community.
Magick is strongest when shared. We foster a space of teaching, support, and mutual growth, where practitioners can learn, collaborate, and evolve without fear of judgment or exclusion.
We uphold autonomy and responsibility.
Each practitioner is the sovereign of their own path. We encourage critical thought, ethical discernment, personal accountability, and above all personal soverigenty in all aspects of spiritual and magickal practice.
We are a sacred space to all spirits and deities who come in mutual respect.
Our consecrated space is open to all spirits, divinities, ancestors, and more who enter with goodwill. No matter the path or practice, we welcome those who walk beside us, whether for a fleeting moment or a lifetime of devotion.
In the name of Hekate, She who stands at the crossroads, we vow to seek, to learn, to practice, and to uplift, walking our paths with courage, wisdom, and an open heart.
As Above, So Below
As Within, So Without